
Kuala Lumpur Bike Week 2017 | #KLBW2017 | EP#1 - Malaysian Bikers Head Bangers

2018-02-18 7 Dailymotion

EP#1 - Malaysian Bikers Head Bangers.
Have you ever seen how Malaysian Hardcore Bikers Rock and Head Banging?
'Gabungan Bikers' (Combined Bikers) all came, no matter what color of patches or MC / MG they belong to but all knows how to party together!

Great fun with DRAGON76 MC, R.O.D.M.G. , IRON HEAD MG and those left out please let me know.


"Kuala Lumpur Bike Week 2017" #KLBW2017 was held at TREC #TRECKL on the 15th - 16th December. What a great time to end the year with this Biker's Weekend Party!

Sorry for the much delay ....... will upload more Episodes in days to come.

Please enjoy, Like and Subscribe to my channel.

Event website: https://www.facebook.com/kualalumpurbikeweek/

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